What do french people think about Americans?
2006-10-23 12:35:33 UTC
What do french people think about Americans?
Douze réponses:
2006-10-23 13:35:02 UTC
Hey What's up ? I was an exchange student during one year in Indiana and I loved the Americans and each time I meet Americans in Europe, I try to help them, particularly in France because so few French people can speak good English ! A lot of people in France who never went to the States think people are fat and since we all hate Bush, they just don't like Americans. But it's not the majority.

I don't like Bush at all and I am sad that Americans voted for him at the last election but if everyone remembers how he was elected the first time, well nobody can say for sure that he won !

Americans are very welcoming and friendly in general. I went to New York and Washington and they were always very helpful and interested in the fact that we were from France. I remember once in Washington DC, we were having our breakfast in a restaurant. We were speaking French and three cobs were sitting at another table next to us. One of them offered to pay our bill for the beakfast and I thought it was very generous !!!

I just think it's really sad how Americans can be selfish with their money : they don't feel guilty if people are dying because they can't pay for medicine, when someone is homeless or don't have a job. In the States, there's no real social security or government health insurance and I think it's really bad for the poor, handicapped people and people who are not smart enough to save money when they will be retired : I saw a lot of old people working ! I really like the country though and if I ever live there, I will get the French governement special health insurance for people who live in another country !!!
2006-10-23 19:44:50 UTC
Les Français ont du champagne dans la tête et les américains du coca cola
2006-10-24 01:26:15 UTC
americans are rude

when i went to japan there were americans who would stand outside the budhist temples at Asakusa and try to convert them to Chrisitianity....

and they are loud and fat


but its true
antwan the swan
2006-10-24 07:09:15 UTC
My Sister in Law is american, she's the best, I had a wonderfull time living in Atlanta and I'm really looking forward discovering more of the US
2006-10-23 22:11:36 UTC
Hi, I lived in Maryalnd for one year as an au pair and I had a great time ! I think Americans are friendly people. but tend to be a bit superficial relationship-wise.

Unfortunatelly French people do not have a good opinion of Amricans people. We (= the French) tend to generalize things too much, and to think that all americans are like the one who shop in Paris. Plus we are bitter people who can't get over the fact that we don't rule the world anymore. But the good news is that Americans are as stupid as we are because after all we are all humans !!!
2006-10-23 20:52:30 UTC
2 sides : one whith bush and co, another with bb king and co.

"god bless rock'roll and united states of america !" blues brothers
thomas veil the nowhereman
2006-10-23 19:52:18 UTC
i'm like an ufo in france, i love americans, you are like us!

you: 300,000,000 of people, f###ed by the politics

us: 60,000,000 of people,...

if you have a green card, send to me (i want to see oregon and washington (the state))
2006-10-23 19:46:14 UTC
Well, in general Americans are nice people. The way they think depends really where they are from, Iif they live in a place quite international (LA, NYC, etc)... they are quite open mind, but if they live in the middle of nowhere such as KC... :-) or Iowa, etc... they get the informaiton they are provided with, meaning they dont really know what is happening outside the US, which they call "the world"...

But they have nice brands... A&F
2006-10-23 19:43:53 UTC
It's very stereotypical, but basically that they are fat and eat at McDonald every day, and don't know anything about the rest of the world because they are so egocentric
2006-10-23 19:39:45 UTC
First tell me what do americans people

think about french..

It's ok..that's not the nationallity what i look for

but the person!!!;)

je parle pas de Bush là...
2006-10-23 19:38:17 UTC
French I don't know.

About americans, no opinion. American people is not guilty if they have such a governement.
2006-10-23 19:44:14 UTC
Rien - parle français - ça nous fera de l'air frais - merci

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